XPS and AES Handbooks
Available at Physical Electronics

The Handbook of X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy contains reference spectra from standard samples and compilations of expected peak positions and binding energy shifts that can be used as guides for elemental identification and chemical interpretation. The handbook contains spectra obtained with a monochromatic Al x-ray source and an achromatic Mg x-ray source. The introduction section contains a brief review of the fundamentals of XPS and the types of spectral features one may encounter in the interpretation of XPS spectra. This handbook is available from the Parts department at Physical Electronics in Chanhassen, Minnesota. Email us at parts@phi.com for more information.

The Handbook of Auger Electron Spectroscopy contains reference spectra from standard samples and compilations of expected peak positions that can be used a guides for elemental peak identification. The first derivative of complete spectra is displayed along with selected regions of interest in the direct and first derivative display modes. The introduction section contains a brief review of the fundamentals of AES. Also included in the handbook is a discussion on quantification and charts containing relative elemental sensitivity factors. Appendix A provides a comparison of spectra at 3, 5, and 10 kV spectra. This handbook is available from the Parts department at Physical Electronics in Chanhassen, Minnesota. Email us at parts@phi.com for more information.