PHI's Fall Workshop Speaker Videos
PHI's Fall Virtual Workshop topics included talks on sample preparation, application of XPS, AES and TOF-SIMS for fundamental and applied research, use of correlative surface analysis utilizing PHI USA instruments and advances in data collection and processing.
Dr. Anja Vanleenhove from imec gave a talk on “Buried Interface and Buried Film Analysis Using Lab-Scale HAXPES Instrument”.
Fred Stevie from North Caroline State University presented a talk on sample handling. In his presentation learn how to handle and mount samples for surface analysis. Useful tricks for mounting powders, insulators, curved materials, and other challenging objects.
Peng Li from the University of Alberta presented a talk titled “VersaProbe III - A Versatile Scanning XPS system for a Core-Facility”.
Dr. Sebastiaan Van Nuffel gave a talk on Biological TOF-SIMS. One of the examples is presented in his recently accepted JASMS paper ‘Chemical Imaging of Retinal Pigment Epithelium in Frozen Sections of Zebrafish Larvae using TOF-SIMS’. (
Bill Stickle from HP presented a talk on the application of multiple surface analysis techniques for failure analysis.
Alberto Herrera from CINVESTAV-Queretaro, Mexico gave a talk on three issues in XPS data acquisition.
Dr. Anass Benayad from CEA-Liten presented a talk “From Post-Mortem to Operando XPS, A New Approach for Lithium/Electrolyte Interface Study”. Learn more in just-published paper "Operando XPS: A Novel Approach for Probing the Lithium/Electrolyte Interphase Dynamic Evolution "