PHI European User Meeting 2010 | Physical Electronics Inc.
On June 22 and 23, 2010, PHI continued the long tradition of hosting another European User Meeting. The meeting was held in the lovely region of Franconia, a beautiful wine growing area in the northern part of Bavaria. Prior to the meeting itself, PHI had organized for the first time a one-day training for PHI MultiPak Version 9, the latest generation of advanced data reduction software from PHI. More than 20 customers attended the training which was divided into an XPS group and an Auger group. The feedback from the participants of the training was very positive, which is a strong motivation for us to provide similar customer training on a regular basis.
For the User Meeting itself we counted more than 50 customers in attendance from all over Europe. This was a great success, given the fact, that we
had to cancel our first attempt for the User Meeting in April due to the volcano eruption and the consequent severe restrictions in air travel to
and from Europe. Most of the customers that registered for the April meeting registered again for the meeting in June, along with some new
additional customers.
The meeting was a good mix between customer contributions and information provided by PHI. The intent of the meeting was to bring together PHI customers with the team from PHI. Beside the serious technical and applications discussions, there was also enough time for exchange and fun.
Locating the meeting in a fine, white wine region of Germany, it was a must to spend one evening at a wine tasting. We selected the Weingut Meintzinger in Frickenhausen, where attendees enjoyed a nice selection of wines after a short tour through the medieval village of Frickenhausen, given by our tour guide, Katharina.
The tremendous positive feedback from the PHI European User Meeting 2010 confirms that PHI will continue this tradition. We look forward to
welcome all PHI customers again for another European User Meeting in 2012.