Webinar: Applications of Integrated Auger Nanoprobe in Materials Science
Montana State is excited to host a seminar/webinar on January 18, 2019, by Recep Avci on Applications of Integrated Auger Nanoprobe in Materials Science. Whether you can attend in person or online, the information about the event is below.
January 18, 2019
12:00 noon -1 pm Mountain Time
126 Barnard Hall
Webinar is free, please REGISTER HERE
Focused on the power of integrated nano-Auger for materials science with examples illustrating:
- Imaging at nanoscale resolution
- Elemental information with nanoscale spectral and spatial resolution
- EDX at submicron resolution
- EBSD at submicron resolution
- Depth profiling at nanoscale resolution
- Elemental mapping
- Chemical mapping
The webinar is aimed at non-experts who would like to be informed on the similarities and differences between an integrated Auger nanoprobe and a high-resolution field emission electron microscope equipped with X-ray microanalysis. When necessary brief explanations will be provided to illustrate the superiority and practicality, and also the weaknesses, of this system as compared with the standard field emission microscopes.
Registration for the webinar can be completed here: REGISTER HERE