PHI Electron Spectroscopy Workshop at Stanford University
NOTE: Attendees are invited to contribute a short 15 minute presentation during the workshop (optional). Topics should be focused on XPS and/or AES techniques and applications in surface science and engineering, and could be method development oriented that would be of general interest to other users.
Day 2 is a MultiPak XPS data processing workshop, and will cover common data massage methods used in processing XPS results.
Tuesday, April 24
PHI Electron Spectroscopy Workshop (Free to all attendees)
HEPL Conference Room 102/103
09:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Morning Session - User Base Presentations
XPS and AES Techniques in Surface Science and Engineering
09:00 a.m. - Welcome and Introductions
09:20 a.m. - Probing Diffusion of Metal and Halide Species in Perovskite Solar Cells Using XPS
Caleb Boyd, Stanford University
09:40 a.m. - Silicon Nitride Thin Films Re-visited
Ercan Adem, Cypress Semiconductor
10:00 a.m. - The Case for Complementary Surface Analysis Techniques: When is XPS not Enough?
Saad Alnabulsi, Physical Electronics
10:20 a.m. - Break
10:40 a.m. - XPS and Auger Characterization of ALD Thin Films
Olivia Hendricks, Stanford University
11:00 a.m. - Thin Film Interface Analysis
Yuri Uritsky
11:20 a.m. - Fundamental Issues with Relative Sensitivity Factors in XPS
Christopher Brundle - CR Brundle and Associates
11:40 a.m. - Fundamental Issues with Relative Sensitivity Factors in XPS
Wei Liu - NXP
12:00 p.m. – 01:00 p.m. - Complimentary Lunch Provided
01:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Afternoon Session –Technology Update
Advances in XPS and AES Technology
01:00 p.m. - Presentation: Scanning XPS micro-Scale Analysis and Applications
01:40 p.m. - Presentation: AES nano-Scale Analysis Technique and Applications
02:20 a.m. - Break
02:40 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Surface Analysis Lab Tour and Instrument Q&A
Wednesday, April 25
PHI MultiPak XPS Data Processing Workshop - REGISTRATION FULL
(Free to Stanford University students, faculty, and staff)
Yang and Yamazaki Environment and Energy Building (Y2E2) Room 300
This workshop will help gain an understanding of the data massage software's user interface, and routine methods for processing all available data types generated in XPS.
09:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Morning Session
- MultiPak and Software Setup
- User Interface overview and basic settings
- Handling Data files
- Spectral Analysis
- Atomic Concentration
- Peak Identification
- Quantification
- Smoothing
- Basic Chemical Analysis
- Charge referencing
- Chemical state identification
- Introduction to spectral curve fitting
12:00PM - 01:00PM - Complimentary Lunch Provided
01:00PM - 04:00PM - Afternoon Session
- Spectral curve fitting continued
- Linear Least Squares Fitting
- Spectral Deconvolution
- Depth Profiling Data Reduction
- Extract Spectra
- Depth Calibration
- Chemical Analysis
- Quantification
- Map Data Reduction
- Extract Intensity Line
- Extract Spectra
- Chemical Analysis
- Quantification
- Report Generation