NCCAVS 32nd Annual Vacuum Equipment Exhibition
NCCAVS 32nd Annual Vacuum Equipment Exhibition
This year, PHI will exhibit at the Northern California Chapter of the American Vacuum Society (NCCAVS) 32nd Annual Vacuum Exhibition which will be held on Wednesday, February 23, 2011 in San Jose, CA. Through technical symposia, users group meetings, equipment exhibitions, short courses, and other educational activities, the NCCAVS provides opportunities for scientists and technologists from the diverse fields that depend on controlled environments to interact and exchange ideas. Every February or March, AVS-sponsored short courses are given in Northern California to provide training in the areas of applied vacuum technology, surface analysis and materials characterization, and thin films and processing. The AVS short course program in Northern California offers classes specifically chosen by the Chapter to meet the needs of the local technical community.
In conjunction with the short course program, the Northern California Chapter AVS (NCCAVS) sponsors the Annual Equipment Exhibition to showcase products and services of companies supporting vacuum-related industries. The NCCAVS Annual Equipment Exhibition is the largest sponsored by any AVS chapter. Stop by the PHI booth if you are planning to attend.
For more information visit: chapters.avs.org/nccavs/symposia.html